Wednesday, September 23, 2015


  Of all the opera links, I enjoyed The Magic Flute the most. We are a very visual generation and I think the colors and dancing and more "acting" that went on is what appealed to me. It seemed more of a play than an opera but that may be what is blurring the lines between operas and plays these days. I think producers of operas have this 21st century challenge of needing to stay relevant and keep the attention of a generation that in general can only keep their mind on something for like 30 minutes at a time before getting their attention taken from something else. Even now on YouTube, something that is a very current phenomenon has this same challenge. If someone watches a video it's rare that they get through the whole thing before they see something more interesting on the side bar and go to watch that.
    And with operas, with being in my opinion a dying art form, they have an even bigger predicament in this. They have to stay relevant and entertaining. The magic flute was the only "opera" that I watched the whole way through. The others I only watched 1-2 minutes of and I got the general idea. Magic flute had dancing and modern extravagant costumes and a more digitized background, which kept me wanting to watch it the whole way through, even though it was only 4 minutes long.

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